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short pithy review of The Klezmatics' "The Well"

I will be writing more elsewhere and at greater length about "The Well," the
Klezmatics new collaboration with Chava Alberstein, on the Xenophile label.

But in the meantime, since it seems fast becoming a virtual thread, I
thought I'd throw in my two cents and say it is the antidote to Mandy
Patinkin's schmaltzy approach to modern Yiddish song, and the best thing to
come along to new Yiddish music since Wolf Krakowski's "Transmigrations,"
which seems to have inspired some of its "juicing" of Yiddish pop (The
Klezmatics are apparently fans of Krakowski, having chosen "Transmigrations"
as the setting-the-scene music for their CD release concert for "Possessed"
at the Knitting Factory a few years back.)

Along these lines, is anyone else going to be attending the
Klezmatics/Alberstein concert this Saturday night at Town Hall in NYC?

Seth Rogovoy
rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net
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