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Re: chironomy

Dear  Amy

There's  a  school  for  Chazanut  near  Tel  Aviv.  They  may  be  able  to

The  Israeli  Consulate  in  New  York  (or  any  where  else)  should  have
contact  details.

Your  project  sounds  interesting.  Good  luck.

Moshe  Hochenberg
London,  UK
-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Loewenthal <aloewenthal (at) centralia(dot)ctc(dot)edu>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: 29 September 1998 17:56
Subject: chironomy

>Shana Tova!
>I am interested in chironomy, the system of hand movements that accompanied
>trop. I have read the article in Encyclopedia Judaica (was it under
>"Masoretes" perhaps) that has 3 intriguing diagrams showing hand signals.
>It cited a French encyclopedia of sacred music, which I was able to get,
>but it had no more pictures than the ones in EJ.
>I am primarily interested in pictures, like "how to",  but also interested
>in the history of the development of chironomy.
>I have made my own informal system of hand and body movements that I use
>when teaching Torah trop (to make a multi-sensory experience), but I'd like
>to know if there is a more official way to do it.
>Can anyone suggest sources?
>Thanks for your reply. A sweet year to all.
>Amy Loewenthal
>Math Tutor Coordinator
>Student Support Services, Centralia College

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