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Re: chironomy

Concerning the Chironomy drawings from the sources you mentioned:

The EJ article is "Masoretic Accents", by A. Herzog: a classic. The French
one is by Israel Adler, in Enciclopedie des Musiques Sacrees.

The few pictures which are shown there are based on the chironomy used in
Italy (in this case, in Rome). They were drawn by a Roman sephardi, mr.
Emanuele Pacifici, following the research of the Italian-Israeli
ethnomusicologist Leo Levi.

A copy of the whole booklet (about 10 drawings) was donated to me by mr.
Pacifici, and it is now kept at the Yuval Italia's archive in Milano: of
course, what they represent is the Roman (Sephardic) way.

As far as I know, very few communities have kept chironomy as part of their
musical tradition.
It would be interesting to compare sources, though.

Francesco Spagnolo

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