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Jewish Liturgical Music Library (Germany)

I have received a number of requests to publish the name of the library in
northern Germany which collects European Jewish Liturgical Music (a question
which I posted a few days ago).  Somebody was very nice to forward me the
appropriate information.  Here it is:

Europaeisches Zentrum fuer juedische Musik an der
Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Hannover

Emmichplatz 1
30175 Hannover

phone: +49 511/921790
FAX: +49 511/9217915

Barry J. Mehler
Musical Director - Amsterdams Synagogaal Koor
Postbus 17154
1001 JD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
e-mail: sbjhl (at) euronet(dot)nl
ICQ: 15411063

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