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I promised a report on this artist's recordings once I had them in hand.
They are on a Mexican label, and I got them through a source for gothic,
metallic, ambient and other recording genres whose names mean nothing to me

I would characterize her styling as synth/medieval. Some very compelling
work, especially on the earliest release. Almost propulsive. The second
disk did not do as much for me.

She is evidently part of a growing trend for S. American (and Spanish
artists) to explore Sephardic music. Most then perform it in the idiom in
which they are most familiar, rather than attempting to perform them in
anything approaching original style (or, at least, in an Ottoman vocal or
instrumental style, which is as close as any of us can come to how they
might have sounded centuries ago...)

The disks can be ordered from Please let them know I sent you.

Best, Joel

Details as follows:

"Entre la pena y el gozo"
Colonia Condesa, Mexico

Judeo-Spanish Selections:

A la una yo nazí
Puncha puncha
Novia de la cara blanca
Por amar una donzella
Un pastora yo amí
La vida es un pasaje
La novia entre flores
No la puso su madre cosa ninguna


Fingir Que Duermo
Paraiso GLP 074
Colonia Condesa, Mexico

Judeo-Spanish Selections:

Yo me'namorí
Hija mía
La prima vez
La serena
Las galeas
Esta montaña d'enfrente
Romance del enamorado y la muerte
Por la tu puerta

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:   781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Cell:           781-622-0309
Email:          jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net

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