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Re[2]: Jewish music history course ideas

Dear List,
        I'll throw in a couple of more pennies, with your indulgence.

This is my contention last year with Itzk Leib.  That is "authentic" Klezmer or 
Eastern European Jewish Music in General is an exercise in history.  And while I
enjoy history (it was my major in Yeshiva College!) I don't wish to LIVE in it, 
just to visit it.  

        Bottom line, Dick is right, Jewish Music has reflected its times; and 
today's FOCUS seems to be yesterday <smile>.

My 2 cents (zlotys?)

Rich Wolpoe

Rich Wolpoe

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: RE: Jewish music history course ideas 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> at Tcpgate
Date:    7/29/98 10:09 AM

First thing, I would suggest that the emphasis should be the other way
around, that a course on Jewish music is about 90% of what happened in
the past (and how it related to the time and place from whence it came)
and perhaps 10% related to contemporary American Jewish issues. I think
it would be somewhat of a stretch to say "here is this wonderful fabric
of Jewish music that has come down to us over the course of a couple of
thousand (or a couple of hundred) years and the important thing about it
is how it relates to contemporary American jewish Issues"

My $0.02


>From:         David Chevan[SMTP:chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu]
>Sent:         Wednesday, July 29, 1998 10:01 AM
>To:         World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:         Jewish music history course ideas
>Hi all,
>I'm looking for advice, materials, suggestions, kind-heated flames that
>might assist me in the development of a basic college level course on jewish
>music.  We're in the process of developing a Judaic Studies minor at my
>institution (Southern Ct. State University, New Haven CT) and I've been
>asked to develop a bibliography and tentative course outline on Jewish music
>with a FOCUS (but not exclusive attention) on contemporary American Jewish
>issues.  Sounds tantalizing doesnt it?  Of course the library at my school
>is currently rather weak.  I've been assured that any books I reccomend for
>acquisition will be purchased (if in print) and so ideas for bibliographic
>materials would be wonderful.  In addition, if any of the readers of this
>list have either taken or taught a course like this I would certainly
>appreciate a look-see at syllabi and the like.  I am enthusiastic but a
>little daunted by this task.  I hope that some of 
>you will be tantalized by the project I am starting and can send some
>suggestions my way.
>Todah rabah (in advance),
>David Chevan
>Southern Connecticut State University
>501 Crescent St.
>New Haven, CT 06517
>(203) 392-6630
>chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu

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