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RE: Jewish music history course ideas

First thing, I would suggest that the emphasis should be the other way
around, that a course on Jewish music is about 90% of what happened in
the past (and how it related to the time and place from whence it came)
and perhaps 10% related to contemporary American Jewish issues. I think
it would be somewhat of a stretch to say "here is this wonderful fabric
of Jewish music that has come down to us over the course of a couple of
thousand (or a couple of hundred) years and the important thing about it
is how it relates to contemporary American jewish Issues"

My $0.02


>From:  David Chevan[SMTP:chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu]
>Sent:  Wednesday, July 29, 1998 10:01 AM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:       Jewish music history course ideas
>Hi all,
>I'm looking for advice, materials, suggestions, kind-heated flames that
>might assist me in the development of a basic college level course on jewish
>music.  We're in the process of developing a Judaic Studies minor at my
>institution (Southern Ct. State University, New Haven CT) and I've been
>asked to develop a bibliography and tentative course outline on Jewish music
>with a FOCUS (but not exclusive attention) on contemporary American Jewish
>issues.  Sounds tantalizing doesnt it?  Of course the library at my school
>is currently rather weak.  I've been assured that any books I reccomend for
>acquisition will be purchased (if in print) and so ideas for bibliographic
>materials would be wonderful.  In addition, if any of the readers of this
>list have either taken or taught a course like this I would certainly
>appreciate a look-see at syllabi and the like.  I am enthusiastic but a
>little daunted by this task.  I hope that some of 
>you will be tantalized by the project I am starting and can send some
>suggestions my way.
>Todah rabah (in advance),
>David Chevan
>Southern Connecticut State University
>501 Crescent St.
>New Haven, CT 06517
>(203) 392-6630
>chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu

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