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>I'm looking for a translation of the following:
>A mol is geven a maise
>Die maise iz gor nit frelich
>Die maise hebt sich onet
>Mit a groysen Yidishen melech
>Lulinke, main fegele
>Lulinke, main kind
>Ich hobongevoren aza libe
>Vey iz mir un vind
>A mol iz geven a melech
>Der melech hot gehat a malko
>Die malko hot gehat a vaingorten
>Lulinke main kind (sic, but seems to be a line missing here)
>In vaingorten is geven a boymele
>Dos boymele hot gehat a tzvaigele
>Oyfn  tzvaigele is geven a nestele
>In nestele hot gelebt a fegele
>Der melech is obgeshtorben
>Die malko iz gevoren fardorben
>Dos boymele hot zich obgebrochen
>Die fegele is fun nest antlofen
>Vu nemt men aza chochom
>Er zol kenen maine vunden tzelen?
>Vu nemt men aza doktor
>Vos zol kene main hartz oyshelen?
>This is as far as I can get:
>Once upon a time there was a queen
>The queen is not happy
>The queen is in love
>with a great Jewish king
>Once upon a time there was a king
>The king had a ????
>The ???? had a vineyard
>Line missing?????
>In the vineyard is a tree
>The tree has a branch
>On the branch is a nest
>In the nest is a baby bird
>The king is dead
>The ???? is destroyed????
>The tree has fallen
>The bird is stolen from the nest
>Where can one find a wise man
>who can count my wounds?
>Where can one find a doctor
>Who can heal my heart?
>Thanks in advance.
>Lucy Fisher

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