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Re: The Forward

>Hi there gang, The Forward has a nice feature about new Jewish music. It
>talks about Kabalas, Charming Hostess, Shloinke, and Benny and The
>Vildachayas. Gideon Aaronoff wrote the article that looks at groups who are
>doing edgier, rebellious, tongue in cheek, Jewish music. Any members of
>those bands who are on this list should help me out here, I don't want to
>put words in your to speak. Also, if any musicians on the list
>want to barter their CD for my CD, drop me a note directly.

What, no mention of Hasidic New Wave or the New Orleans Klezmer
AllStars? Seriously, though, what did Gideon say, and how does
it resonate with you, as the bandleader of one of the bands 
(Benny and the Vildachayas) mentioned?


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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