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Re: Identity in Klezmer


Sorry, I instinctively cringe when an inquiry linked to writing a paper
shows up in one of the half-dozen or so mailing lists I participate in. I
think if you look at your second question with a critical eye, you will see
it is so broad as to be meaningless. 

Why not read the excellent overviews of Jewish music in the Grove's
Dictionary of Music and the Encyclopedia Judaica. Reflect hard on what you
find there, and come back to the group with your thoughts, opinions and any
considered, specific questions that your research and reflection yield up.
I think you will find us happy to help you at that point, and eager to take
up any interesting discussions you can start and contribute to.

Hoping to hear from you again,


At 03:19 PM 6/3/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I am a student at the University of California, Davis and I am writing a
>paper about klezmer music. I am looking for help with two question. Does
>the music mimic language? It sounds like it to me, especially in some the
>melodies Andy Statman plays. The second question is a more general cultural
>question. How do American Jews view themselves, and how does that reflect
>in the music?

Joel Bresler
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