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new web site joel rubin & rita ottens

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the web site for Joel Rubin, Rita Ottens and
Jewish Cultural Programming and Research (JCPR).

Here you can find out information about the various projects and
publications of JCPR; including:

* Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble
* Schott Wergo's Jewish Music Series
* Trikont's Klezmer Trilogy
* Commercial and scholarly publications of Rita Ottens and Joel Rubin

Our URL is

Best wishes,

Joel Rubin & Rita Ottens

Jewish Cultural Programming and Research GbR
        Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble
        Klezmer Music - A Microcosm of Yiddish Culture
        Chemjo Vinaver Collection

Joel Rubin * Rita Ottens
Bernburger Str. 18 * D-10963 Berlin (Kreuzberg) * Germany
Tel: (49) (30) 261 74 32 * Fax: (49) (30) 261 34 27
e-mail: simontov (at) compuserve(dot)com

6654 Whitley Terrace * Los Angeles, CA * 90068 * USA
Tel.: (213) 874-9772/851-9075

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