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Re: Ottoman surprise

I wish I knew more about these old recordings.  There's a wonderful series
of CD's out now on Traditional Crossroads (PO Box 20320, Greeley Square
Station, New York  NY 10001-9992).  The one I have, "Tanburi Cemil Bey Vol.
II & III," has quite extensive (and referenced!) notes by Harold G. Hagopian
and Ecrument Aksoy, which include information on the Blumenthals and their
relationship with the artist.  I don't have the calalogue from Traditional
Crossroads, but I bet they'd have something from Marko Melkon.  They seem to
have several volumes of Udi Hrant Bey.  If you have information on Marko
Melkon, I'd love to see it.


At 01:24 PM 4/2/98 -0500, Joel Bressler wrote:
>Believe it or not, I was just thinking about Marko Melkon today -- he
>accompanies Jack Mayesh on a Judeo-Spanish song on 78 from the 1940s. The
>record is in the collection of a Greek American in the midwest, and is
>really quite rare.
>Wasn't MERE his label? (MElkon REcords?) And succeeded by Balkan? I would
>love a history.
>WRT to the brothers Blumenthal, they started the first indigenous record
>label in Turkey, and released more Sephardic 78s than any other record
>company ever.
>I would dearly love to get more information on the Blumenthals, copies of
>the Orfeon/Orfeos catalog, and not least, some of their recordings! If you
>can be of any help, that would be great.
>Great to get a little Sephardi tam <G> going on the list...
        Owen Davidson, Amherst, Mass.
        The Wholesale Klezmer Band

        The Angel that presided o'er my birth
        Said Little creature formd of Joy and Mirth,
        Go love without the help of any King on Earth. 

                                Wm. Blake       

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