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RE: Ottoman surprise

And that is exactly how the Jerusalem was organized within the wall.  Even
today, the four districts have distinct characteristics.

> From: HST2nd (at) aol(dot)com (HST2nd)
> Sender:       owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> Reply-to:     jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> To:   jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org (World music from a Jewish slant.)
> I remember hearing on Sunrise Semester that cities in earlier Ottoman times
> had Jewish, Christian, Armenian and Islamic Quarters.  Everybody had their
> respected identity, trade worked, cultures kept together for cultural
> integrity and dealt around town for economic practicality.  I remember
> thinking that it was a remarkably enlightened system... a far cry from
> "Mohammed or the sword."  
> I'll bet there was some great fusion proto-klezmer jamming too!
> -Stan

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