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Re: Kachol v'Lavan

Linda-  Frustratingly, my copy of the HaShachar Shiron doesn't name the
composer/lyricist for Kachol V'Lavan, but it does say the following:

"This song was smuggled out of Russia in the late 1960's. The author was
later permitted to emigrate to Israel and revealed that the simplicity of
the Hebrew text was due to his meager knowledge of the language at the
time, since he had been forbidden to study Hebrew in Russia."

-Andy Rubin

>I am trying to find some background information on the song "Kachol v'Lavan" ,
>the song about the Israeli flag. Who wrote it, and in what circumstances was
>it written? I seem to recall having heard something about a Russian refusenik
>who composed it using all the Hebrew vocabulary he was able to muster. Is this
>a factual account? I would appreciate any details, including the name of the
>composer/lyricist (assuming they are one and the same).
>Todah Raba,
>Linda Salvay

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