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Announcing the Yiddish Voice Store - Yiddish Software for Sale

A brief announcement that I have opened an Internet store that sells, among
other things, Yiddish and Klezmer Music recordings, software that supports
Yiddish, Yiddish books, and Yiddish videos.  Soon we'll probably offer
mugs, T-shirts, and other items.

The store operates for the benefit of the Yiddish Voice, the weekly
Yiddish-language radio show I host and produce in Boston (and it's
associated web page,

The recordings catalog is modest, and we hope to grow it in the months
ahead.  It is planned to offer much more Yiddish/Klezmer music, some
Ashkenaz khazones, and other Yiddish recordings.  There are no plans at
present to offer many of the other kinds of Jewish music.

One nice feature is that it has a dedicated real audio/video server behind
it.  I think this should help a little to make up for the lack of
radio/television play to get people interested in the music and videos
we'll be offering (as opposed to the mainstream music/video industry).  So,
when you come to the store, put on your headphones and stay a while.

Being a shtikl mayvin vegn Yiddisher kompyuteray (somewhat of an expert on
Yiddish computing), and currently the moderator of an email list for
Yiddish information processing (UYIP,, I hope to
eventually offer all or most of the software that truly supports Yiddish,
and to give support as best I can, both through the UYIP list and "in
person" through private email.

All sales will be by credit card only (using secure transactions over the
Internet).  Prices are low, with free shipping to the US, Canada, and
Mexico.  Service will be good.  Yiddish will be supported.  What more could
you ask for?  (Just let me know.) Check it out by entering through the
store entrance at the top of the Yiddish Voice page:

Comments and inquiries from the Jewish-Music mailing-list community are
invited and most welcome.

Kol Tuv - All the best!

Mark David (meyer)
Host/Producer, The Yiddish Voice (
and Proprietor of The Yiddish Voice Store
(mailto: yv (at) world(dot)std(dot)com)

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