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Peter Lippman released in Kosovo

Peter Lippman (klezmer musician et al.) and the five representatives of
Peaceworkers were released this morning by the Serbian authorities. (See
message from Peter's brother forwarded below.)

Thanks very much for your concern and support.

Sandra Layman

------------forwarded message-----------------
From:   Roger Lippman, INTERNET:terrasol (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org
DATE:   23-03-98 8:32

RE:     Peter released

Hi everyone,

At about 6:30 A.M. today, Pacific Standard Time, Peter and the five other
Peaceworkers were released from jail in Pristina.  They were taken to the
border of Macedonia, where they were met by a State Department van and
driven to Skopje, the capital of Macedonia.  From there, one of the
Peaceworkers called their office in San Francisco, who immediately called
my brother George, whose house I am now at in San Francisco.

Their release was independently confirmed by the U.S. State Department
officer in charge of family relations in time of mini-crises during the
week (as opposed to weekends), who I just spoke with.
  Thanks again to everyone for their support.

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