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Re: Midwest Klezmer Institute: 4/98

Hey, this came over on the Jewish Music List. The lady running it contacted
Sarah to invite us to perform. I think we should do it. As Sarah says, $200 is
shitty for a saturday night, and I guess we won't have tony unless he changes
work nights -- but I think this would be important exposure for us. 15 minutes
-- we could do Unterhund and one other favorite. If Sarah has to give up work
that night I'd be willing to give her my share of the booty to get her to play
with us. Eh, Sarah? Anyway, here's the poop I have so far.

Sarah, if you can, say yes immediately -- if it's just me and tim, we'll still
play. Even if it's just tim! Right? Hello?

>>From: Maxwell St <MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com>
>>Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:45:39 EST
>>A weekend of klezmer music and dance will take place on April 25 and 26 in
>>Skokie, Illinois.  The Third Annual Midwest Klezmer and Yiddish Music
>>Institute will begin Saturday night at the JCC, 5050 Church Street in
>>with a  performance by the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band.  Also featured will
>>singer Sima Miller and the Junior Klezmer Orchestra. At the conclusion of
>>concert, chairs will be removed so that the entire audience can take part in
>>Sundayís program begins with seminars for musicians and presentations for
>>enthusiasts.  Featured guest lecturer Theodore Bikel, actor and folk singer,
>>will speak about his art.  The weekend will conclude with a concert by Bikel
>>at the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie on Sunday night.
>>Tickets are sold by the JCC to the three events separately, or for the
>>For reservations, call (847) 675-2200.
>>Sponsored by the Kaplan JCC and the Klezmer Music Foundation.

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