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Midwest Klezmer Institute: 4/98

It looks like this bounced for reasons I don't understand.
(was it sent to "owner...." instead of just "jewish-music (at) 

>From: Maxwell St <MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:45:39 EST
>A weekend of klezmer music and dance will take place on April 25 and 26 in 
>Skokie, Illinois.  The Third Annual Midwest Klezmer and Yiddish Music
>Institute will begin Saturday night at the JCC, 5050 Church Street in Skokie,
>with a  performance by the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band.  Also featured will be
>singer Sima Miller and the Junior Klezmer Orchestra. At the conclusion of the
>concert, chairs will be removed so that the entire audience can take part in
>Sundayís program begins with seminars for musicians and presentations for
>enthusiasts.  Featured guest lecturer Theodore Bikel, actor and folk singer,
>will speak about his art.  The weekend will conclude with a concert by Bikel
>at the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie on Sunday night.  
>Tickets are sold by the JCC to the three events separately, or for the entire
>For reservations, call (847) 675-2200.
>Sponsored by the Kaplan JCC and the Klezmer Music Foundation.

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