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Re[2]: Yiddish and choral Music

Dear Simon,
        Right You are.  Westtern Wind IS the name of the group.  somebody 
told me the name and mentioned Motty Lazar and my selective memory got it 
        so nu, let's get some more info on these CD's.  ship me a catalog 
or whatever!

Yasher Koach! ( translation: ~~ May you have strength!?)


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Subject: Re:  Yiddish and choral Music 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    3/3/98 1:41 PM

Hi Richard, 

I think the group you're talking about is the Western Wind. The credit on the 
recording is 'Artistic director, Matthew Lazar'.
The WesternWind does beautiful holiday music with narration by various guest 
They have :  2 High Holiday Cds with Leneord Nemoy as narrator
                           "Mazel Bueno"-Portrait in Song Of Tkhe Spanish Jews- 

                                                        Tovah Feldshuh narrator
                           Chanukah with Theodore Bikel - narrator 
                           Passover also narrated by Theodore Bikel

I spoke to Bikel an hour ago and he'll be stopping by today, I'll ask him if 
this is the same "Lazar'.  I'll post my reply on "the list".

Hatikvah Music

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