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[Fwd: derogatory names]

Solidarity Foundation wrote:
> No, the word "daytsh" or, in their pronunciation, "daatsh", is also
> a derogatory word among Galician hasidim, referring to anyone who is
> more assimilated than they are. Sorry. How about "Hebrews of the
> Western persuasion?"
> Jeffrey Wollock
> Research Director
> Office of Political Correctness
Herr Direktor Wollock:
I appreciate the fine point you bring up and your attempt at humor.
However, in the context in which it was first expressed, <yekke> and 
<yekkishe> were used as words to denote (in my perception),  a group 
inhabiting  (or originating  from)  a specific nation-state.  
I acknowledge that the word "daytsh" ( or "daatsh") has negative
connotations to some, but it is  first and foremost  simply the proper
and respectful word for "German".  Of course there are some bitter,
vengeful types who think it perfectly excusable to casually disparage
all things German;  thats their problem. 
<Yekke> takes its place, IMHO, with words like "welsher", 
and "gyp".  They too,  are not cool.  Sorry. 

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