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RE: "Group" time...

Just tried to visit Shloinke's web site as obtained from Ari's Klezmer

and got the dreaded "the requested object does not exist on this server"
message. Is there a more current URL?

Dick Rosenberg

>From:  TheDorch (at) aol(dot)com[SMTP:TheDorch (at) aol(dot)com]
>Sent:  Thursday, February 12, 1998 3:09 PM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:       Re:  "Group" time...
>In a message dated 2/11/98 2:58:41 PM, you wrote:
>>It's neat to see everyone come out of the woodwork for a change.
>>My name is Steve Singer.  I direct a professional vocal group in Chicago,
>>called LISTEN UP! A CAPPELLA.  We have a Beatles to borsht repertoire...
>>But our "mission" is really to reinvent all kinds of Jewish music for a
>>diverse spectrum of audiences.  Our sound is very "instrumental" and quite
>>funky.  We really enjoy playing with styles -- and flipping
>>"traditional" songs on their head.  i.e. Tum Balalaika as a Brubeck
>>swing tune, Dodi Li as Country Western, etc... If you close your eyes
>>during our performances, you'll hear everything from a Jazz combo to a
>>Klezmer band to Country-Western.  We have two recordings, one of
>>"Chalutzi" favorites and one of music for Shabbos, Chanukah and Purim.
>>We perform widely for private and public venues in the Midwest, and have
>>(recently) begun to travel nationally.
> Sounds like you might be interested in Shloinke, and we might be interested
>in y'all. On our new CD we do Hava Nagila in 5, "Dem Ganefs Yikhes" as
>rockabilly, and when our metallic version of Firn di Mekhutonim Aheym was
>played on public radio, the pledge drive people said, "What was that? Arabic
>My contributions to the arrangements have a lot to do with parody, and with
>disparate genres commenting on one another. I recently came in with a new
>arrangement, and the fiddler said, "Bet you wrote the liner notes for this
>before you came up with the arrangement, didn't you?"
>Where in the Midwest do you play?
>jeff dorchen
>"Aloha means shalom" -- Don Ho to his groupies

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