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Re: "Group" time...

In a message dated 2/11/98 2:58:41 PM, you wrote:

>It's neat to see everyone come out of the woodwork for a change.
>My name is Steve Singer.  I direct a professional vocal group in Chicago,
>called LISTEN UP! A CAPPELLA.  We have a Beatles to borsht repertoire...
>But our "mission" is really to reinvent all kinds of Jewish music for a
>diverse spectrum of audiences.  Our sound is very "instrumental" and quite
>funky.  We really enjoy playing with styles -- and flipping
>"traditional" songs on their head.  i.e. Tum Balalaika as a Brubeck
>swing tune, Dodi Li as Country Western, etc... If you close your eyes
>during our performances, you'll hear everything from a Jazz combo to a
>Klezmer band to Country-Western.  We have two recordings, one of
>"Chalutzi" favorites and one of music for Shabbos, Chanukah and Purim.
>We perform widely for private and public venues in the Midwest, and have
>(recently) begun to travel nationally.

 Sounds like you might be interested in Shloinke, and we might be interested
in y'all. On our new CD we do Hava Nagila in 5, "Dem Ganefs Yikhes" as
rockabilly, and when our metallic version of Firn di Mekhutonim Aheym was
played on public radio, the pledge drive people said, "What was that? Arabic

My contributions to the arrangements have a lot to do with parody, and with
disparate genres commenting on one another. I recently came in with a new
arrangement, and the fiddler said, "Bet you wrote the liner notes for this
before you came up with the arrangement, didn't you?"

Where in the Midwest do you play?

jeff dorchen

"Aloha means shalom" -- Don Ho to his groupies

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