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I tried to send the following message a few minutes ago, and I'm not
sure whether it worked.  If you've already received it, I apologize, and
read no farther.  If you haven't received it yet, please take a moment
and see if you can help me out...


Sometime soon, I will tell you all about what Jewish music I am doing. 
For now, though, I need help -- and fast!  My group, the Chai Folk
Ensemble of Winnipeg, Canada, is presenting its annual concert on
Saturday evening, February 21.  I'm in the process of producing the
program, which typically includes a list of musical credits: lyricists,
composers, and original performers.  As of right now, I lack information
on the following songs:

Debka B'not Hakfar (Israeli)
Kan Badarom (Israeli)
Hey Daroma (Israeli)
The Black Cat (Der Schvartze Katz) (a borscht-belt era tune)
Ayouma (Yemenite)
Achot Lanu K'tana (Yemenite)
Ad Or Haboker (Israeli)
Givat Hatachmoshet (Israeli)
Hora Yisrael (a.k.a. "Im Zeh Tov V'im Zeh Ra") (Israeli)
L'Chayei Ha'am Hazeh (Israeli)
Hamavdil (Ladino)
La Hija De La Vezina (Ladino)
La Bulita Sapateta (Ladino)
7:40 (klezmer)
Baym Rebn In Palestina (klezmer)
Zemer Lach (Israeli)
Bo'u V'Nashir (Israeli)

If I were in Winnipeg, with all my resources around me, I suspect I
could find quite a number of these.  However, I am living in Ottawa and
commuting to work with Chai, and I have not been able to put this
information together.  Time is running out, so I would really appreciate
any help I can get.

I'll look forward to your responses.  Thanks in advance!

Casey Chisick
Artistic Director
Chai Folk Ensemble (Winnipeg, Canada)

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