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Re: "Yiddishkeit"?

Alex Jacobowitz wrote:

> B"H Munich
> Mornin' y'all.
> This is the first time in my life I've ever heard of "Yiddishkeit" to refer
> to
> the klezmer revival and/or the rebirth of the Yiddish langauge. In Yiddish,
> Yiddishkeit translates as Judaism, though in a much deeper sense,
> much deeper than the German "Judentum" or the English "Judaism" would
> imply.
> Is this some new musicological fad? As beautiful as the Yiddish language
> is,
> as interesting as klezmer music is, PUH-LEEZ don't confuse it with the
> Jewish religion.
> Chalila that we should someday be saying:
> "these are your g-ds, O Israel!"
> Alex Jacobowitz

     There is one place in the world where there are klezmers that for them
Klezmer and "Yiddishkeit" are the same. You can find them in Israel, performing
publicly in Meron. (not in concert halls)

Moshe Berlin

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