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Re: The "Klezmer" Top 10, Dec. 1997

> Ari, as to your observation that some of the "older" recordings have made
>your list; it seems that many of the younger buyers that learned  about
>Klezmer by listerning  to the new bands are now going back to the "source".
>The "Klezmorim 1976-1978" did better this year than in the last 3 years

I dunno, Simon, with all due respect to the Klezmorim (and I
have a review of that CD coming up, eventually), it's hard 
to imagine turning to their recordings, made when they were
trying to figure out how to play the music, and who they wanted
to be as a band, as being the equivalent of going back to the 
"source". I think it's just the R. Crumb cover, myself. :-).

It's odd, too, that you mention the first Joel Rubin as being 
on that list, but not subsequent Brave Old World albums. It's
true that it's the only one without singing, but it's neither
as good as subsequent work by Rubin (and he still eschews a
vocalist), nor as good as the subsequent Brave Old World 
material (on which, I confess, I find Michael Alpert's singing
and song-writing one of the features).

I'd be interested in hearing what other, non-klezmer albums
are popular.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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