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Spanish "Saetas"

Dear Friends:

I was recently reading a book about the Golden Age of Spain, and it
asserted that the Spanish Saeta derives from the Jewish Kol Nidre prayer.
Can anyone confirm or deny?




BTW, the latest Classical Pulse has a cover story on Hesperion XX. I
checked with the author (Damon Krukowski) but he was not able to shed any
light on this particular issue. Can someone offer an email or snail mail
address for Hesperion XX or their management? 

>From the article: 

"(Montserrat) Figueras, a commanding figure in a flowing black dress,
ascends the podium, and lets loose a wail-- it is a Saeta, a traditional
Spanish form with ancient roots, still practiced in the street during
religisous festivals. This is flamenco, and some might say popular music;
but Hesperion know that the melody is ancient, and see no reason why its
survival in popular tradition should disqualify it from their program..."

Joel Bresler
100 Longwood Avenue, #3
Brookline, MA 02146
Home:   617-277-8344
Home Office:    617-278-9753
FAX:            617-278-9753 
Email:          jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net

As of 12/15/97:
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02173
Home:   781-862-2432
Home Office:    TBD
FAX:            TBD

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