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Re: source material klezmer research

Your right of course, Ari, let me see... The most obvious sources are the
writings of Mark Slobin, his book containing several works by the important
soviet-jewish musicologist Moshe Beregovski and several articles he wrote
on the klezmer revival. Then there's the writings of Henry Sapoznik of
course, including "The compleat klezmer" (with sheet music) and also a
bunch of other stuff. Short (very short...) references on klezmer can be
found in the works of A.Z. Idelsohn and Alfred Sendrey. 
An important work also is Walter Salmen's "Juedische Musikanten unf Taenzer
vom 13. bis 20. Jahrhundert" (Jewish musicians and dancers from the 13th
til the 20th century); this is in German as is a lot of other literature I
could mention. These are the most obvious references. If people would like
it I could put a part of my bibliography on line, just let me know. It may
seem as if I already have alot of stuff, which is true, but I'm working on
an extended version of my thesis, and all info is welcome.


>>my name is Gerben Zaagsma and I'm new to this list. I'm doing historic
>>research into jewish folkmusic (klezmer) and am looking for more source
>>material and information. I'm not new in this field, I concludued my study
>>of history with a thesis on this subject, so I'm familiar with a lot of
>>literature already. Still, if anyone has any suggestions please don't
>>hesitate and let me know. 
>Well, with what sources are you most familiar, so that people 
>don't all recommend the same stuff (and other beginners have
>a starting point)?
>Ari Davidow
>ari (at) ivritype(dot)com


Gerben Zaagsma
Koninginnelaan 35
9717 BN  Groningen
The Netherlands

tel.:       0031-(0)50-3131304
email:    gerbn (at) worldaccess(dot)nl

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