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Virtual Ashkenaz alive and well

Despite my attempts to shut things down now that the Ashkenaz
Festival is gone, the participants of the Virtual Ashkenaz 
demanded that it keep its doors open, and the forum continues 
to thrive as a place to discuss new "Yiddish" culture: music,
theatre, books, and how to teach the language, itself. 

In this, I think, the forum is unique, because it is not
a place to look back, except as it serves looking at Yiddish
in the here and now.

But, if it is going to survive, we do need more participants.
Come join us.

Participation is free, and the forum is accessed via web browser
rather than e-mail (making it especially easy to avoid the rare
conversation of no interest). For more information, visit

But don't join us if your interest in Yiddish is only historical.
The "Virtual Ashkenaz" community is interested in Yiddish 
primarily as a =living= language and culture.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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