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Re: source material klezmer research

Have you tried Walter Zev Feldman's article on the Bulgar in Klezmer Music?
 Ethnomusicology Vol. 38, No. 1.   I personally would be interested in
seeing your bibliography.

> From: Gerben Zaagsma <gerbn (at) worldaccess(dot)nl>
> To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> Subject: Re: source material klezmer research
> Date: Tuesday, November 11, 1997 5:32 AM
> Your right of course, Ari, let me see... The most obvious sources are the
> writings of Mark Slobin, his book containing several works by the
> soviet-jewish musicologist Moshe Beregovski and several articles he wrote
> on the klezmer revival. Then there's the writings of Henry Sapoznik of
> course, including "The compleat klezmer" (with sheet music) and also a
> bunch of other stuff. Short (very short...) references on klezmer can be
> found in the works of A.Z. Idelsohn and Alfred Sendrey. 
> An important work also is Walter Salmen's "Juedische Musikanten unf
> vom 13. bis 20. Jahrhundert" (Jewish musicians and dancers from the 13th
> til the 20th century); this is in German as is a lot of other literature
> could mention. These are the most obvious references. If people would
> it I could put a part of my bibliography on line, just let me know. It
> seem as if I already have alot of stuff, which is true, but I'm working
> an extended version of my thesis, and all info is welcome.
> Gerben
> >>my name is Gerben Zaagsma and I'm new to this list. I'm doing historic
> >>research into jewish folkmusic (klezmer) and am looking for more source
> >>material and information. I'm not new in this field, I concludued my
> >>of history with a thesis on this subject, so I'm familiar with a lot of
> >>literature already. Still, if anyone has any suggestions please don't
> >>hesitate and let me know. 
> >
> >Well, with what sources are you most familiar, so that people 
> >don't all recommend the same stuff (and other beginners have
> >a starting point)?
> >
> >ari
> >
> >
> >Ari Davidow
> >ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
> >
> Gerben Zaagsma
> Koninginnelaan 35
> 9717 BN  Groningen
> The Netherlands
> tel.:       0031-(0)50-3131304
> email:    gerbn (at) worldaccess(dot)nl

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