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Re: Lewandowski - High Holy Day Selections


used u'vnucha yomar, ma tovu, regularly use ma tovu, haskivenu, blessing for 
new month.  Use L'cha dodi, but modified. amongst many others.  

From: richard_wolpoe (at) ibi(dot)com
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 1997 1:16 PM
Subject: Lewandowski - High Holy Day Selections

     Dear Chaverim,
        I am curious to know if any of your services that you attended over
     the Yomim Noraim made use of selections by Louis Lewandowski.  Please
     participate in my informal survey my emailing me at
     Richard_Wolpoe (at) ibi(dot)com with a list of any "tunes: used e.g. 
     "yasher koach and a gut yor."
     Rich Wolpoe 

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