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Re: Kobza Recordings

PETE RUSHEFSKY <rushefsky (at) healthcareplan(dot)org> wrote:

>Can anyone tell me where I can find recordings of the kobza?  From what I
>understand, it is a fretless lute that preceded the tsimbl in klezmer
>bands.  I'm a banjoist, and I'm hoping to get some ideas from hearing a
>klezmer approach to a finger-picked instrument.  In particular, I'm
>interested in finding out where I can get recordings of the kobza tzipturi
>style (which can be almost banjo-like).  One name that has been suggested
>is Constantine Brailou's recordings, but I'm not sure where to find them.
>I'd appreciate any help.
>Thanks, Pete Rushefsky

You might try the House of Musical Traditions ( ) in
Takoma Park MD. They specialize in weird international music as well as
klezmer, and are an obvious choice. They will do mail order anywhere. You
can phone them toll-free at 800-540-3794 or send an email to
hmtrad (at) hmtrad(dot)com

Wendy Morrison

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