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Re: Israeli folk music

Thought some folks would be interested in the info in my response to Sy.
On Sat, 27 Sep 1997 SyKushner (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Haim,
> I enjoyed reading your post on the origins and development of Israeli folk
> music. Can you recommend some reading sources on the topic and also on the
> Eastern European/klezmer influence on the development of Israeli folk music.
> I'm a professional accordionist having performed Israeli as well as chassidic
> and klezmer music for 30 years but never researched the subject in depth.
> Thanks for your help.
> Sy Kushner


Thanks for your response.  Actually, my discussion pertained more to
Israeli folk dance, but sometimes it cannot be separated from the music
(especially during the periods I was writing about). If you want to know
more about the origins of Israeli folk music, you should speak to the
husband of Raya Spivak, Yossi.  He will be with us, together with Raya
(who will be our guest teacher), at our opening night of Rikuday Dor
Rishon on Oct. 5 at the Brotherhood Synagogue, 28 Gramercy Park South (E. 
20th West of 3rd Ave.) in Manhattan.  Yossi is one of Israel's most
knowledgable Jewish ethno-musicoligists and a song writer in his own right
(Ma Navu, Niguno Shel Yossi). He has written articles on Israeli folk
music and would be able to suggest sources as well as answer your
questions about the Eastern European/Klezmer influence on Israeli folk

Shana Tova,

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