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Re: Radio Shows for Jewish Music in NYC

Hey all,

I'm in the process of starting up a klez radio show at WPRB (the Princeton
University radio station) which will broadcast to (almost) all of New
Jersey, some parts of south-eastern NY, and north-eastern PA (including
parts of Philadelphia).  If any of you out there would like me to play
your "demo" tape over the air in these areas, please feel free to send it

James Forrest
c/o WPRB
Holder Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544


P.S.  WPRB is 103.3FM, and when I find out what time the show will air, I
will send another message to this mailing list.

James Forrest '98
jforrest (at) princeton(dot)edu

                          "A few years later, I was to move 
                              from structure to process, 
                               from music as an object 
                             having parts, to music without 
                              beginning, middle, or end,
                                   music as weather."
                                                        -John Cage

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