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Re: Bluegrass Klez

> Does anyone have any information on the connection between
> bluegrass/country music and the klez revival?  Are there any
> musical similarities in the two musics, or is it just a
> coincidence?

  Some music of the Farbrengen Fiddlers has a bluegrass/country
feel about it.

  In general, some people would say that there is a similarity of
"production" rather than "content" between these genres.  There
are people who prefer "Klezmer" to sound as much as possible like
its European or early 20th century American antecedants, and then
there are those who have a much wider view of the musical concept
"Klezmer" based on many other criteria.

  Where there is more agreement is on how Klezmer is produced or
performed, and therein lies the similarity to bluegrass or country.
The key is improvisation, and there are also connections to jazz in
this respect.  Some people even make the connection between all of
the above and Cantorial improvisation; what these genres all share
is the use of their own particular set of "musical building blocks"
with the opportunity for a skilled practitioner to expand upon them.

  Now, despite my attempt here to be accurate and dispassionate in
this description, and not at all judgemental, I'm sure people will
take umbrage at what I just said and have lots of their own opinions.

  My only request is that rather than unpleasant flames, please
state your opinions in the same thoughtful manner in which I just
presented mine.  Thank you!
                                              Cantor Neil Schwartz

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