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Re: bluegrass klez

I believe Henry Sapoznik, before his co-authorship of "The Compleat Klezmer,"
appeared on some bluegrass records wielding his banjo under the clever
pseudonym "Hank Sapoznik."

I don't really think there's much of a connection between Klezmer and
Bluegrass except in the sense that -- from the point of view of those of us
living under the cultural and technical logic of late capitalism -- they are
deceptively "folky" music forms whose early recorded practitioners have been
rediscovered as the virtuosi they were. 

Nevertheless, there is nothing someone can't make a little worse and sell a
little cheaper, and on that score, when my band, Shloinke, puts out its CD
late this fall, listen for our rockabilly version of "Dem Ganefs Yikhes."

shalom, y'all

jeff dorchen

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