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Re: Three Weeks in context

>What about when the broadcaster mixes a Jewish set with a Church set, to
>make some kind of ecumenical
>message? (This happened last month - German TV filmed by playing Bach in
>Leipzig, then cut to Bach's
>B minor Mass (yes, the anti-Semitic one!).

In what way is the B minor Mass anti-Semitic? The St. John Passion does
contain some offensive text passages but the Mass is the setting of the
standard Mass text. Hence either all Masses are anti-semitic or none.

 Of course if you are a Jewish French Horn player (as opposed to a French
Jewish Horn player like Pierre the Shofar blower)  struggling with the high
solo part, you might think that Bach is out to get you, but otherwise I
don't see any connection between the B minor mass and anti-semiticism.

Eric Goldberg

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