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Re: Three Weeks in context

>I also have to say that, while I would not necessarily feel
>bound in the same way about a show airing the first night of
>Passover, I suspect that, ethically, I might get to the same
>point as you describe. I applaud the networks airing programs
>on Jewish themes, but to do so at a time when the Jewish
>component of their audience can't watch seems somewhat
>oxymoronic, and wrong. If they want to cover Jewish holidays,
>surely they can broadcast on days when the broadcast doesn't
>violate Halacha.
>Ari Davidow
>ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

It is possible that if you had explained to the TV producer the emotional
and ethical conflict that you felt, he or she might have played the
prerecorded tape with an anouncement that it was recorded previously and
that it was being aired as an 'offering' ( I use that word although I don;t
mean it to be misconstrued as a religious offering) from the players to
those who might like a little view into Jewish culture on a day when most
Jews weren;t or shouldn;t be watching the TV.

Eric Goldberg

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