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new reviews

I've taken a short break from working on the Ashkenaz festival
pages this weekend to put up some new reviews at my KlezShack. 
I'm looking for diversity at the moment, so:

Markus Bishko & Alaska Klezmer Band (klezmer? in Alaska? you bet!)
Brave Old World / Klezmer Music (can't wait for the new album this fall.
   here's a catch-up review of their first album)
Kol Simcha / Crazy Freilachs (Swiss "contemporary klezmer")
Kronos Quartet / The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind
   (not their best, but still good cutting edge modern classical, and
    you get David Krakauer, too)

There's more coming, of course, but at least this gets some of the
urgent reviews out of the way.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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