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Re: Elizabeth Swados

RABHADASH (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get in touch with Elizabeth Swados or if tapes exist
> of some of her "midrashic" works that could be shared with a congregation?
> Thanks. Melanie (Rabbi Aron- in Northern California)

Shalom, Melanie.  I just found out that Elizabeth Swados has a CD
(perhaps in tape form as well) called "Bible Women."  My friend informed
me that it can be purchased from the Jewish Community Center of the
Upper West Side, The Maayan Center, 15 West 65th Street, New York, NY 
10023. She didn't know the price, but she said you can call 212-580-0099
and ask for the Maayan office.

Hope this helps,
Chava Willig Levy
Announcing (drumroll, please) the Chava Willig Levy Corner:

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