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Re: dancing with klezmer music

>Tara Publications has a book called "The Best of Jewish Folk Dance".
>It was editted by Alan King and Velvel Pasternak, and may be ordered
>thru the Tara web-site:
>or phoned in:  1-800-TARA-400
>                                                   Cantor Neil Schwartz
>P.S.  Ergo Media also has a videotape of Israeli folkdances, I think.
>      If they have a web-site, you'll have to use Yahoo to find it.

Tara has this tape also.

Eric Goldberg

ericgoldie (at) mhv(dot)net
5 Bakertown Road
Accord NY 12404
Ph./Fax 914 626-2530
Check out my lists of incredibly inexpensive records (@ $3). for sale. Just
email me.

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