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Re: NEEDED: notes about Hatikva

>1) Does anyone know FOR SURE who composed the melody?
>    Imber? Kosakoff?

Until I get into my office/library, I cannot tell you who did
compose the melody.  However, I believe that Imber only composed
the poem (several verses), and Reuven Kosakoff composed one of
many later melodies which bear little resemblance to the famous
one we all know.

When I get to work, I will be looking in the Encyclopedia Judaica
first.  Is that available to you?  Your question about the first
harmonization will be more difficult to answer, I suspect.

                                               Shabbat Shalom,

                                               Cantor Schwartz

Cantor Neil Schwartz
Katie Schwartz, B.S.I.

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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