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RE: What Makes Music Jewish

>Once again, I ask-how do we know what melody was sung at the shores of the
>Reed Sea? For all we know, it could have been something later reincarnated
>as the melody for some current pop song. Would the moment have been any
>>different if the tune is one we now know as some trite little ditty? Of
>course not. Why are any of the current incarnations of the Mi Chamocha in
>song any less Jewish than the one originally used?

Hello again.  Please don't forget the second of my two definitions:

 "Another way to define Jewish music is to say that it has as its text
  or subject recognizable Jewish themes."

This covers your concerns about other musical forms being used for Mi
Chamocha or any other liturgical text.  Thus, whether or not I liked all
the various versions, I would have to say that they are all "Jewish".

                                                        Shabbat Shalom,

                                                        Neil S.

Cantor Neil Schwartz
Katie Schwartz, B.S.I.

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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