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Re: Shirim B'Ivrit ... un a Fiedler?

In a message dated 96-09-20 14:18:39 EDT, L. Ermentrout wrote:

>2) Someone recently lent me a tape of a Yiddish translation of the
>soundtrack for "A Fiedler oyfn Dakh" ... which I thought was better (in
>feeling) than the original English version (Nisht azoy?  Sikher azoy!)
>Would anyone know where/when this was done (it might have been produced
>from live theatre or just been made for an album, it's hard to tell) and if
>the recording and/or the text is still available?

The soundtrack is of the Yiddish version of Fiddler on the Roof which played 
successfully in Israel for many years.  Shmuel Rodensky played Tevye and sang
it on the record made in Israel.   The new theater company "Yiddishshpil"
headed by Shmuel Atsmon can probably help you find the text in Israel.  I am
sure that there is
also a copy at the YIVO Institute of Jewish Research.

>(I suppose to find a CD would be too much to ask?!)  :-)
Yes. That's too much to ask.

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