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Shirim B'Ivrit ... un a Fiedler?

Hello and L'Shana Tova a bisl shpeht.

I am new to this list but I like Klezmer and other kinds of Jewish music ...
although right now I am so confused that I don't know which is what :-)
(but I know what I like?!)

OK here are a bunch of questions:

1) Does anyone know if that Nawlins klezmer band (of "Manichalfwitz," etc.)
or other southern klezmorim ever come to the Carolinas?

2) Someone recently lent me a tape of a Yiddish translation of the
soundtrack for "A Fiedler oyfn Dakh" ... which I thought was better (in
feeling) than the original English version (Nisht azoy?  Sikher azoy!)
Would anyone know where/when this was done (it might have been produced
from live theatre or just been made for an album, it's hard to tell) and if
the recording and/or the text is still available?
(I suppose to find a CD would be too much to ask?!)  :-)

3) Is there any person, place or organisation which(who) is looking for
Israeli and other Hebrew records from maybe 1940's to 1970's?  I have some
and was thinking about selling them to a good home for a small fee and/or
taped copies of the records.
If this is not really a collector's item or anything, sorry to bother y'all.
If anybody *is* interested you can email me personally at the attached
address and I can unpack a bit and see who the actual artists are, tell you
more specifics, etc.

Shalom from the south!

L. Ermentrout
<CERMENTROUT (at) InfoAve(dot)net>

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