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Re: Klezmer revival

On Fri, 20 Sep 1996 11:06:41 -0400 (EDT) ,alanacat (at) wam(dot)umd(dot)edu 
>On Thu, 19 Sep 1996 estaylor (at) cris(dot)com wrote:
>> What are the names of these groups and do you have a list of available 
>> recordings? They sound fascinating, especially the Sephardic/African/mizrahi 
>> mix. Also, for the one in the deep South, do they do any touring in the 
>> Southeastern United States, particularly in Florida?
>Well, I happen to know that at least one of those groups has a member who
>has posted a response to this thread. His touring practices, you'll have
>to ask him, although I would be thrilled if they came down Maryland way so
>I could put them on my show (Moshe?) (sephardic/klezmer mix).

The band being referred to is Tzimmes. For information about who we are and
what we've recorded, a good place to start is our website at:

At the site you will also find a good primer on Jewish Music, an essay
entitled, 'Jewish Music - An Overview'.

Thanks for the plug Alana. 

Moshe Denburg
Band Leader/Manager

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