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Re: Klezmer Music in DC/MD Area

Here is another letter that has been waiting to be sent off:

Re: Klezmer Music in DC/MD Area

Several people have requested my info about klezmer cafes and
clubs.   I wrote up a list of about 13 items around the world in the latest 
issue of Global Yiddish.  If you would like to get a copy, you need to call 
or write The Workmen's Circle (45 E. 33 St., NY, NY 10016; or call 
800-WC-CALL-US; or email wcfriends (at) aol(dot)com and request the latest 
issue.  They will send you a copy.  I can not send it to you.

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky
YiddishNet moderator
Global Yiddish/Alveltlekh Yidish editor

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