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Re: [Fwd: MUSIC: Nigun: Society for the promotion of Jewish Music]

Please *do not* contact me about this organization; I have *nothing
whatsoever* to do with it, and *no idea* of how to contact them. The
message I posted about them consisted entirely of a message forwarded from
a newsgroup. There is probably contact information available at the web
site. (I have been to the site but was not looking for such information.)

Hope Ehn                <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

Dennis and Hope Ehn are 2 different people sharing one account.
Hope is the author of "On-Line Resources for Classical & Academic Musicians."
Dennis does programming (mostly C++).
PLEASE don't get us confused!                                 :-)
<ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

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