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Re: Original Klezmer recommendations sought

Solidarity Foundation <svzandt (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org> wrote:
>I'm a new subscriber, and as Moshe Denburg (denburg (at) direct(dot)ca) did not
>copy the letter he was replying to, I don't know what the question was.
>I just wanted to note that Henry Sapoznik is no longer at YIVO, he is at
>Living Traditions (212)691-1272, whereas the person now at YIVO more or
>less doing what Henry did is Jennie Romaine. The telephone number of YIVO
>is (212)535-6700.

My apologies - here is the original post that I was responding to:

>>11 Apr 1996 10:40:13 -0700
>>From: jonc (at) leland(dot)Stanford(dot)EDU (Jon Corelis)

>>I would like to explore Klezmer music but am having a hard time
>>deciding how to start.  I've looked at the Tara records on line >>catalog, 
>>but they only list records by title and don't give much >>information about 

>>What I would like to get is the names of two or three specific CDs
>>which are collections of "original" klezmer recordings from the 1920s
>>and 1930s, and which are particularly good in terms of music, sound
>>remastering, and included notes.  Can anyone recommend things along
>>these lines?  Probably by posting would be best, since other people
>>might also be interested in this.  Thanks very much.

Moshe Denburg                              

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