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Re: Original Klezmer recommendations sought

Henry Sapoznik has an E-mail address, <sapoznik (at) aol(dot)com> -- unless he 
changed service providers in the last few months. 

Hope Ehn                <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

Dennis and Hope Ehn are 2 different people sharing one account.
Hope is the author of "On-Line Resources for Classical & Academic Musicians."
Dennis does programming (mostly C++).
PLEASE don't get us confused!                                 :-)

On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Solidarity Foundation wrote:

> I'm a new subscriber, and as Moshe Denburg (denburg (at) direct(dot)ca) did 
> not
> copy the letter he was replying to, I don't know what the question was.
> I just wanted to note that Henry Sapoznik is no longer at YIVO, he is at
> Living Traditions (212)691-1272, whereas the person now at YIVO more or
> less doing what Henry did is Jennie Romaine. The telephone number of YIVO
> is (212)535-6700.
> Itzik-Leyb

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