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Re: The Mezinka

In article <4krur8$9rv (at) news(dot)mhv(dot)net>, rona (at) 
news(dot)mhv(dot)net () wrote:

> Our son is about to marry the youngest (and last unmarried) child in
> her family.  We know there is a custom of playing at the wedding a
> song called the mezinka and dancing around the parents and placing
> a crown of flowers on their heads.  What we need is a recording or sheet
> music of the mezinka and any other information about the ceremony 
> (customs)... for example, my son tells me that someone mentioned 
> dancing with a broom as if to sweep the last child out of the house.
> We would appreciate any information you can give us.
> thank you,
> Rona Michelson
> -- 
> Aaron and/or Rona Michelson
> (Rabbi Dr. and/or Dr.)

You can get both a recording and the printed music for the "Mezinka Tantz"
by purchasing the book/cassette combo of "Mazal Tov" from Tara Publications


This is one of several books Velvel Pasternak compiled for Jewish wedding
music, but I believe it is the most complete, and the tape is also good.

Cantor Neil Schwartz

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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